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Colossians 1;15-23 – My All In All

Posted: June 13th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Audio Sermons, Colossians Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off

View outline;  Colossians 1;15-23 – My All In All

Listen to audio;  Colossians 1;15-23 – My All In All

Objective:  Provide each with reasons to live faithfully in Christ.

Speaking by the power and authority of God, the Apostle Paul writes to encourage Christians to resist all kinds of temptations, to resist all kinds of human philosophies which might lure them astray from complete devotion of their lives and activities to God in Christ.  His primary thought is to help them in understanding who Christ is, as the prime motivation to faithful living.  If we can really understand the significance of Jesus, who He is and what we have in Him, we, too, should be motivated to continual faithful living.