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Colossians 3;12-17 – Making Changes

Posted: December 23rd, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Audio Sermons, Colossians Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off

View outline;  Colossians 3;12-17 – Making Changes

Listen to audio;  Colossians 3;12-17 – Making Changes

Objective:  Inspire each to behave in a manner appropriate to the status of being chosen and special people.

The Apostle urges Christians to make those changes in themselves, in their character and in their behavior, that are necessary and appropriate for people with the status that they now hold.  We need to read these instructions as if they are directed at us, and feel the conviction in our hearts, and proceed to make changes that are necessary and appropriate for people with the status we now hold as children of God.