Posted: May 31st, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: Audio Sermons, Ephesians Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; Ephesians 116-23 – Resurrection Promises
Listen to audio; Ephesians 116-23 – Resurrection Promises
Objective: Clarify and re-enforce understanding of the significance of Christ’s resurrection.
The resurrection of Christ is the most powerful event in history. It re-directed the lives of the early Christians and ought to carry that same impact for each one of us. Let’s consider what the raising of Christ from the dead ought to mean to us personally.
Posted: May 26th, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: Audio Sermons, Ephesians Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; Ephesians 5;15-21 – Walking With Wisdom
Listen to audio; Ephesians 5;15-21 – Walking With Wisdom
Objective: Encourage and enable each to walk more wisely through life.
Have you ever done things you would now term as “unwise”? We know there is a God, and that He will judge us all in the end. We know there are forces constantly at work to hinder our spiritual lives and lead us in ways we know are “unwise”. In this passage, the divinely inspired Apostle relates several things to focus on if we would walk wisely through life.
Posted: May 26th, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: Ephesians Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; Ephesians 4;15 – Speaking the Truth In Love
Objective: Encourage each to maintain bold integrity in speaking truth.
Christian, you are the fullness of Him who fills all in all. An ambassador of Christ. You hold the words of life. You know truth. How can you possibly refrain from speaking, from reasoning, discussing and guiding? Both with those who have no relationship with God and those who do and need to grow! Don’t hold back on sharing truth. It is God’s plan and God’s will for us to courageously speak the truth, in love.
Posted: May 25th, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: Audio Sermons, Ephesians Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; Ephesians 3;14-19 – Our Ultimate Prayer
Listen to audio; Ephesians 3;14-19 – Our Ultimate Prayer
Objective: Encourage each to pray for growth-blessings from the Father.
As the Apostle shares his prayers for the church in Ephesus, his requests are based on his own realization of God’s awesomeness. He knows that God is so great that he can raise people from the dead, save sinners, make the Jews and the Gentiles into one family. God has an incredible overall plan and purpose for us. The Apostle also sees the deep needs of the Christians; that they are struggling, discouraged, and perhaps some are ready to fall away from the faith. It’s appropriate to ask God for the help that He is so capable and ready to give. The Apostle knows what to ask for that will enable us to be more effective in our Christianity.
Posted: May 25th, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: Audio Sermons, Ephesians Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; Ephesians 2;11-22 – The Significance of Christ
Listen to audio; Ephesians 2;11-22 – The Significance of Christ
Objective: Renew each one’s devotion and zeal to serve by reminder of the significance of Christ to them.
Paul starts this letter with the statement that we have “every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ”, and he writes to remind Christians what being “in Christ” means in their lives. Folks, realizing what we have “in Christ” would allow so many of our problems to just melt away, so let’s look and see some of the very motivational things we ought to remember about being “in Christ” when we are confronted with worries or temptations.
Posted: May 25th, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: Audio Sermons, Jude, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; Jude 3-4 – Contend Earnestly
Listen to audio; Jude 3-4 – Contend Earnestly
Objective: Ensure that people are aware of false teachings and distortions.
While writing to relate to Christians, the wonderful positives about what we have in Christianity, Jude is compelled by an awareness of hazards to take the time, instead, to write to them about dangers and hazards they need to be on guard about. We need to be aware of both the wonders and the hazards of our religious circumstances.
Posted: April 29th, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: Audio Sermons, Colossians Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; Colossians 2;6-15 – Fully Embracing Christ
Listen to audio; Colossians 2;6-15 – Fully Embracing Christ
Objective: Encourage people to genuinely and fully embrace life in Christ.
The concern of the passage, and my concern today, is that there are folks who “sort of” follow Christ. This is a very dangerous thing. Safety, life, godly direction lie in genuinely living in Christ. Make sure you are fully walking “in Christ”.
Posted: April 29th, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: Audio Sermons, Colossians Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; Colossians 2;1-7 – Strengthening Our Faith
Listen to audio; Colossians 2;1-7 – Strengthening Our Faith
Objective: Strengthen ourselves against the hazard of losing our Christianity.
People loosing their faith is something we are told will happen. Yet we don’t want it to, and we are encouraged that there are a number of things we can do to keep folks from falling away. In Colossians 2, the divinely inspired Apostle, Paul, relates several things that are important in enabling stability of faith.
Posted: April 28th, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: Audio Sermons, Colossians Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; Colossians 1;9-12 – Showing A Knowledge of God’s Will
Listen to audio; Colossians 1;9-12 – Showing A Knowledge of God’s Will
Objective: Help people grasp how their lives ought to reflect an understanding of Christ.
Walking in “a manner worthy”, implies something should be different than what it used to be. It implies changes that need to be made based on the new understanding Christians have acquired. The Apostle then goes on to describe four ways in which such spiritual wisdom and understanding should be reflected in our lives.
Posted: April 28th, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: Acts Sermons, Audio Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; Book of Acts – Lessons of Hope
Listen to audio; Book of Acts – Lessons of Hope
Objective: Inspire hope, boldness and confidence amongst Christians.
Buildings don’t generally shake when we have a prayer, people are not struck blind for a season when they oppose us, jailhouse doors don’t just flop open. These are things that just don’t happen to the average Christian every day, so what are we to learn from the Book of Acts? The same God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is still in control of His church, guiding and directing with the same purpose and power even during our troubled times.