Posted: April 26th, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: 2 Timothy Sermons, Audio Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; 2 Timothy 1;6-14 – Affirming Our Christianity
Listen to audio; 2 Timothy 1;6-14 – Affirming Our Christianity
Objective: Encourage each to eagerly share their Christian testimony with people.
The Apostle writes this letter to Timothy, a young man who is facing a lot of struggles that are tempting him to shrink in his Christianity. (Like you and me.) He is being criticized, slandered and oppressed for his convictions and his efforts. The divinely inspired Apostle writes to encourage the young Christian. Here are reasons why we ought to courageously, faithfully and openly endorse our Christianity.
Posted: April 25th, 2015 | Author: John | Filed under: 2 Timothy Sermons, Audio Sermons, New Testament Expository Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; 2 Timothy 2;19 – Foundational Understandings
Listen to audio; 2 Timothy 2;19 – Foundational Understandings
Objective: Inspire hearers to greater confidence and response to the Presence of God.
In discussing problems that Timothy must stand against and endeavoring to encourage and strengthen him in his personal walk and in his ministry, the Apostle relates a couple of undeniable realities that ought to motivate our lives before God.
Posted: March 6th, 2011 | Author: John | Filed under: 2 Timothy Sermons, Audio Sermons | Comments Off
View outline; 2 Timothy 2;19 – Keeping The Faith
Listen to audio; 2 Timothy 2;19 – Keeping The Faith
We don’t need to fear being led astray by discouragement or by a myriad of misleading teachings that crop up. God’s solid foundation, upon which we can stand with confidence, upon which we ought to base our spiritual life and work is identified here by two truth concepts. We should grasp these two concepts to engender confidence that our efforts to serve God have a solid basis.
Posted: April 26th, 2010 | Author: John | Filed under: 2 Timothy Sermons, Audio Sermons | No Comments »
View outline; 2 Timothy 2;11-13 – Unbending Loyalty
Listen to audio; 2 Timothy 2;11-13 – Unbending Loyalty
Satan is battering at Christians in every way we can imagine, and many ways we can’t imagine. He wants to wear us down so we no longer carry a witness for God. He wants us to try to blend in with everyone else so our lives pass unnoticed. He wants us to grow lazy and apathetic and no longer follow Christ as our first love. The Apostle here shares and old song that expresses confident truths that are intended to strengthen, encourage and motivate Christians so we do not yield to Satan, but continue to live lives of unbending loyalty to Christ.
Posted: February 8th, 2010 | Author: John | Filed under: 2 Timothy Sermons, Audio Sermons | No Comments »
View outline; 2 Timothy 4;2 – Integrity in the church
Listen to audio; 2 Timothy 4;2 – Integrity in the church
Integrity in the church means keeping it in the mold that Christ established. It means making sure that it holds to and teaches truth doctrinally. It also means that it and its members hold to truth in heart and attitude. Here is what we need to maintain the basic integrity of the church.